Dad, you do not know? I do what MY will!

Dad, you do not know? I do what MY will! -

I had lunch with one of my best friends yesterday. We discussed how quickly our children grow. He and his wife had just returned from attending the graduation of their eldest son. As he spoke to me of the pleasure of the graduation process and selfishness that is so apparent in young, he laughed and shared a cute story ...

When their son was only 2 years, my boyfriend was himself also to correct most 2 years must be addressed. My friend had told her son several times to stop doing something that was dangerous. Having said four or five times, the boy quietly went to his dad put his young hands on each side of Dad's face and said with all the sincerity he could muster, "Dad, you do not know? My do what mY will! "

this story was told time and time to the family of my friend. While they raised two more children, the story served as a constant reminder that while kids may think the world revolves around them and allows them to do whatever they want, we as parents and adults do not really know what is best for our children and our family ...

it gives me this visual image of my own family, or for that matter, the whole family grow together :. parents struggling to raise children the right way and children struggling to understand why mom and dad have to make difficult decisions, but looking at the way the mother and working hard daddy predict and feed their families . It's not until children are much older than they really understand the sacrifices and selflessness that parents must invest to keep the family safe and on the road to maturity.

A key element of this sacrifice is financial security. I'm not going on my soap box, but as you have this mental image in your mind of your family, or for that matter, the whole family, a pause for a minute to consider what happens if mom or dad should die while the children are young. Happiness and financial security become much less certain. The remaining parent has to double the effort of the family with little time to themselves to grieve and mourn the loss of a spouse.

Life insurance, if purchased before, can not help with the emotional side of the loss, but you can help to ensure security, peace of mind, time to adjust and that funds for education, housing and other expenses related to the loss of income of the deceased parent

Think of this way. If parents were to take the same approach selfish "MY do what I want," the family unit would be much less stable. Fortunately, many parents take this decision ... life insurance just in case.

Have you?

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