Awareness of life insurance Month starts today!

Awareness of life insurance Month starts today! -

Today is September 1st and while many people might chalk up to your average Thursday LIFE here it feels a bit like Christmas morning. We waited all year in preparation for today is the official start of a very important observation. It is Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM), when all Americans are encouraged to ensure that they receive adequate protection life insurance.

Why do we set aside time on the calendar to ask the Americans to focus on this issue? Because we would be remiss if we did not have it. An alarming number of Americans have no life insurance, leaving their families in a precarious financial situation. Nobody knows what the future holds. Having life insurance can mean the difference between your loved ones face a future of financial security or financial ruin.

But you do not have to take me. When I talk to people who have personally made the decision to get life insurance, their feelings of safety and comfort immediately come through. Take for example the basketball and reality TV star, Lamar Odom, the spokesman LIAM this year. He lost his mother to colon cancer when he was only 12, but as he says in our new public service announcement: "I had options, because my mother had planned in advance ... life insurance gave me the foundation to move forward in my life. "The purchase of life insurance was one of the first things he did when he entered the NBA and now that he is married with two children of his own, he knows the importance of have this coverage to ensure that the people he loves will be provided for. It's a powerful feeling that only those who have a life insurance policy can really understand.

We recently sat down with him for Lamar talk about his history and his personal decision to purchase life insurance and wanted to share some of this interview with you today. you can also read the full interview here

lIFE :. you have a good story about how life insurance made a difference in your life, but why did you decide to go above and beyond by assuming the role of door floor-to life insurance awareness Month

Lamar Odom: I am honored when the lIFE Foundation asked me to serve as spokesman. My mother died of colon cancer when she was just 35. It was a very difficult time for me because we were so close. Fortunately my grandmother was there for me. If it was not for her and that we had financial stability because of the life insurance of my mother, I'm not sure I'd be where I am today. Too many Americans believe that this will not happen to them and did not make the kind of planning that my mother did. Unfortunately, they leave their families financial future to chance. I hope that by sharing my story more people will take action for themselves and their families with life insurance to protect

LIFE :. When did you become aware of how life insurance your mother has made such a difference in your life

LO: I do not think I realized until j 'approaching the end of high school and started talking to my grandmother on issues related to money. My grandmother was really amazing and kept things quite normal for me after my mother died. But I do not think she could keep things as normal as it did without the money from the life insurance policy of my mother

LIFE :. You went to college for several years before turning pro. life insurance he played a role in this decision

LO: It certainly did. Very few 18 can jump into the NBA and succeed immediately. In fact, many are struggling and frustrated, and that can be a big setback to their careers. When high school, I knew it would be better not to turn pro immediately. And because my mother had life insurance, I did not need to win a straight salary. I had the opportunity to go to college for a few years, and mature as a player and as a person

LIFE :. If you were talking to a couple with children n 't have life insurance, what would you say to them

LO: I share my story and talk about the difference that life insurance has in my life. Many people do not think they'll ever need life insurance, but how do you know? My mother did not, but look how his decision to buy a life insurance policy out to be

LIFE :. How do you feel to know that thousands of people can buy life insurance because your message motivated to take action

LO: It really is a great feeling. I am honored that the LIFE Foundation gave me the opportunity to share my story. I'm a big believer in giving back. If you are lucky enough to succeed, I think you have a responsibility to give back and try to help others. This is a great cause, and I am proud to be a part of it.

You can see why we are so pleased to have Lamar in our yard this year (pardon the pun) because, in all sincerity, we know his story is one that will resonate with a lot of. Whatever your age or situation, there are people who depend on you, you need life insurance. LIAM And this is all about -. To help educate people about the importance of proper insurance planning and encourage millions who do not have adequate cover to take steps now to protect their families

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