The 8-Pound ... Fierce Defender against life insurance?

The 8-Pound ... Fierce Defender against life insurance? -

At some point after birth * of our second child, my husband and I, like any good, responsible (even reluctant) adults, has decided to seek insurance extra life. You know, because as horrible as it is to contemplate, we are mature and grounded in reality enough to know that bad things happen. In addition, we look at a lot of movies, so we realized that it was essential to ensure that the other person would be expected if one of us was hit by a bus' runaway (thank you, Keanu) or train (Denzel) or something more suburban like a rogue lawn mower (STEVEN KING GAAAAH).

Anyway, when you apply for life insurance, you are sometimes given the choice of 1) a place to go for some checkups thingies, including blood tests, or 2) to have someone come to your house and do them. As I am not a fan of A) places or B) who do things, I opted for home testing.

Of course, I forgot the part where a "home testing" actually takes place, uh, in your home. Where are your kids. ... And all their things and disorder and other things. And your dog barking thinking set foot on the premises every person must be barking at the point of deafness.

The guy who showed up for my home testing was perhaps the crankiest person I've ever met. His mood did not improve once he realized that I had ... oh, horror, CHILDREN. Small. sticky. the Smartalecky who welcomed him at the door with shouts of "DAD!"

He was there to stick needles in ME and take blood from me and I basically spent the whole visit by trying to get comfortable with confidence that my children are not going to touch or sneeze on it or otherwise infect him. **

They, however, will beg in turn standing on the small scale that he had brought. And show that toy! And this toy! And look, here's Lightning McQueen and is a famous race car and Mater and also tractors!

"So, are you having children?" Asked he took my blood pressure.

"Um, we're not sure yet," I l I said worried, worried that he might take this answer and mark down on a form as a clear sign of mental instability, MUST bE COMMITTED pAS INSURED.

"Hrrmmph," he responded.

I do not expect everyone to love my children, of course. I mean, they are tacky. they are sometimes nothing more than walking germ containers.

I do not expect everyone to love my dog, either, which is why I closed his little 8 pounds yappy self in the bathroom when Mr. Bleeding happened. it is small and safe, but I've come to accept it STILL scares the crap out of non-dog people. I do not take personally or try to tell people that they are ridiculous because it is the size of a loaf of bread and equally fierce, so I tried to take child obvious terror of that guy in the same stride.

We were almost finished with all health business when suddenly ... DOG. One of the children had let her out of the bathroom and ooooooooohhhhh lawdy she was crazy. She came barreling into the room, nine kinds of hysteria to be denied the chance to defend my honor against this intruder, and ...

M .. Bleeding fell to his knees and began to speak in baby talk and had my dog ​​in her arms in about 15 seconds flat. He said it is the cutest little thing he had seen all day schmoopsie Poopsie poo. Awww.

And that was that. I was later approved for our additional policy, which was good, because if I ever have to go through a home test again, I'm not sure the kids would enjoy being locked in the bathroom instead of dog.

* toddlerhood completely still qualifies for "at some point" criteria .

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