No Time to Wait

No Time to Wait -

I heard the other day that tight economic times, people have begun to consider life insurance as a luxury, not a necessity. And while I can not look in the house or the bank account of someone else to see what happens, it seems to me a big gamble to put life insurance in the luxury column. It is not something you can get when you need it, because when you need it is too late.

And time is not necessarily on your side. You can be young, just raising children and trying to make ends meet, thinking that you have time to get life insurance ... later. But as history shows John Butcher, life can have different plans in store. Please look at his story.

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And while it is heartbreaking to see Tre is without his mother, think how much worse it would be if her mother had not made the decision to get life insurance. Your family is protected by life insurance?

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