Happens wedding

Happens wedding -

I was too busy ripping the dress and carriage, and the little Princess Di boy all grown and married that I do not see Facebook guru LIFE Chris Hill had already beaten me to the punch on getting this message about life happens fanpage.

I was about to refocus my job, but then thought, "Well, half the world is focused on the wedding day, so why not reinforce the message! "

Marriage Happens and with it a new family unit is born with new responsibilities and concerns. Of course, Kate and Wills should not think what the financial ifs, but 99.9% of the rest of of us are. once you are married, you share many things together, including your financial obligations. what if one partner dies unexpectedly? will the other is OK financially? Would -they able to afford the house and the car and all the other things they have purchased and created together as they form their new life?

Marriage is just one of the stages of life that should trigger automatic lights go off saying, "I have enough life insurance for my next step in life"? to know what other stages of life warrant a life insurance "group", see this page.

All the best to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and all of our readers to take the leap!

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