Tweet Let the facts about the life insurance

Tweet Let the facts about the life insurance -

For the past three years, the LIFE Foundation and LIMRA were checking the pulse of the American people and their attitudes on 'life insurance, disability insurance and retirement. In the recently Barometer 2013 Insurance of the study, there are surprising results, such as the fact that almost a fifth of people say they would buy life insurance from a retailer. You can read the views of LIFE CEO Marv Feldman on why this may be an interesting change for the industry. And of course, there are the results not so surprising as the fact that although 85% of people think life insurance is important to most, only 62%. You can learn more about the study here.

Some life insurance facts of the study are "tweetable" which means you can share them by clicking on the fact that you want to tweet and the tweet will be generated for you. And make sure to follow us on Twitter at @LIFE_Foundation

Nearly 20% of consumers would buy #lifeinsurance a hypermarket. nearly 25% would buy online: #LIFEstats

Those who are ready to buy a hypermarket #lifeinsurance to cite "reasonable cost" and "simple process" http: // #LIFEstats

Despite passing for purchase online, the study found most prefer to buy #lifeinsurance face-to-face http. // lifehap .pn / 17s4y2Y #LIFEstats

Top 3 reasons to own #lifeinsurance: final expenditure to replace lost wages, leaving a legacy: #LIFEstats

1/3 of consumers feel they do not have enough #lifeinsurance, new study. #LIFEstats

85% say most people need #lifeinsurance, but only 62% say they have it. #LIFEstats

25% of consumers who own # lifeinsurance do not think they have enough coverage: #LIFEstats

consumers are more likely to shop for #lifeinsurance during / after the great events of the life, says new study #LIFEstats

Loss of a relative / close friend makes people more concerned about the future of their own families: http: / / #LIFEstats

those w / o #lifeinsurance are more concerned about the daily expenses that those who: #LIFEstats

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